Hello, everyone!
So exactly one month from today I will be arriving in Portugal. Pretty scary, huh?
Scary...and way exciting =)
I received my host family and town I'll be staying in earlier this week. They live in Vila do Conde in northern portugal, 27 km north of Porto on the coast. The town was founded in 1318, but was settled first by the Romans in the 3rd century BC, and is obviously chock-full of history.
My host family sounds pretty cool as well. Here's a brief description of all the family members:
Fernando (pai) - the father, dedicated to his work
Fernanda (mae) - the mother, present and active mom, also works
Frederico (irmao) - the brother, funny and active
Ines (irma) - the sister, loves art and shopping
Tim (cachorro) - the dog, golden retriever
I still need to send off some pictures and forms to NYC before departure orientation, but I'm set with a lot of things so far. Just need the visa, the passport, and...well, frankly a lot of other things, but I'm getting there!
in the mean time I'll leave you with a few pictures of Vila do Conde.