Wednesday practically no one was home (except Fred who was there in the morning with his friend Sara). I ended up watching Mr. and Mrs. Smith, which got me to thinking of the time I went to go see it with the original movie group and made me even more sad that now the group has been revived, I’m gone. It seemed like everything I did reminded me of home, or reminded me of the countless ways home was different. When everyone came back to the casa things were better, since the house was a bit busier. We watched the movie Chocolate and I helped Fernanda with dinner.

Thursday was slightly better. I was alone in the morning and ended up in my room feeling sorry for myself. But I made lunch with Fernando and learned some new words. Then he left and I was alone, again, feeling sorry for myself. I watched some of the videos I took before I left, which made me miss it, but also made me feel a little better, like they were actually in the room with me.
I was finally able to get out of the house around 4 and ended up wandering the town. I walked down the beach, toward this old fort thing. I rounded the corner and started down the river. This huge sundial statue loomed ahead, with many small sculptures beneath it of mermaids and spheres. I walked across a small bridge toward the towering convent up ahead. On the way I passed a replica não, a boat that used to carry cargo for explorers. I ended up turning left at the ponte (bridge) and purchased a tarte de

Nights are always better than mornings…since then I at least have someone to sort of talk to, even if we can’t always understand each other.

Today I got some selos (stamps), invelopes (envelopes), and fotos (photos) so I can send letters and send the photos to the American embassy for my dang passport. I wonder if I hadn’t lost my passport if maybe I would have gotten off to a better start and wouldn’t feel so crappy. Who knows…I thought I would be the last person to want to go home after a week, but the world is full of surprises.
I’m not going to give up though! If I don’t believe it or even if I don’t want to do this anymore, maybe if I keep telling myself I can do this, I’ll actually be able too. Maybe I’ll even enjoy myself a little bit.
In about an hour, Fernanda and I are supposed to go to my school to sign papers and get a schedule and stuff. I really would like to do the humanities (humanidades) track, but AFS already talked to them about putting me in Inês’ class. It’s not that I don’t like Inês, I just don’t think it would work out well if we were ALWAYS together, because you spend all your time with the same 25 people, and if every day I was with her all day, we might end up killing each other.
I did get an invitation to lunch with some of the Porto AFSers and an AFSer Brittany from Èvora, but my family might be showing me around Porto in which case I won’t be able to meet them. I’d love to go with my family, and if they’ve planned that I’m kind of obligated because family comes first here, but right now I’d really, REALLY like to spend some time with other kids my age who aren’t family. I could also ask them about being exchange students here and…well I think it would just be good for me, but we’ll see. I told Fernando about Kip wanting to come and meet them and he said, “We’ll see”, so maybe I’ll bring it up again in about a month when they know me better and trust me.
I know when someone goes away it hurts at first for the people back home, but they forget pretty quickly what it was like to have them around. I’m so afraid of being forgotten…it will happen, I know, things will return to normal for everyone except me. I just hope that it doesn’t get to the point where when I come back, everyone will be so settled in without me that it won’t matter I’ve returned. By then, at least I’ll have a lot of practice in being alone.
There is so much insight in everything you just wrote! Just being able to verbalize it goes a long way in being able to deal with it. You have just made it through one of the hardest weeks of your entire life! And it only going to get better from here. Next week you will have a very busy school routine, new friends, a new passport on the way, and lots to look forward to! So chin up, get some excercise, get a little sunshine, and go tackle the world. I KNOW you can do this! We love you very much!
Just a few things to brighten your day...we'll be here probably all day if you get on IM.
Jennifer: Hello poop! I love you!
Fuzz:....I'm pregnant
John: I have to mumbo dog walk to the banana patch.
Becky: Smile! The world loves you!
Tim: "You'd best be findin' Jesus and a tree of charity, joy, hope, and RELIGION." -out of the mouths of babes...aka John
We will make you a joint package sometime soon and harass the postal ladies so that you get it...soon...
Hi Caro!! OK. After many moves in my life I can definitely understand where you are coming from. True, I always spoke English, even if the people in Vermont didnt exactly believe that. But lonely is lonely in any language. The one thing I can honestly assure you is that you ARE going to make the best friends EVER, you are going to grow enormously through this experience, and your friends will always have a special place for you to come right back to as if you never left them. That is what real friends do. One thing a very special friend once told me is that loving someone means there is pain upon separation. But that love is infinite and will always be there. And wouldnt life be just terrible if we never loved and never felt that pain? So thank God you are so loved and that you love so deeply. Then every day it will get better little by little. And at the end you will understand things that some people never learn; What it is like to be challenged and overcome it. Hang in there Caroline!! It WILL improve for you. Know that we all do love you and that we will be happy for June 14th to come. Even though by then you may have forgotten all about us! Love, Mrs. McCharen
Hi, Caroline. Just hang in there - I think you'll find it's worth it in the end. You can do this, and it will be fun. I'm pretty confident that if anyone can do this, it would be you. And don't worry about people noticing that you are missing - we all know that there is a great big empty spot where you fit in this family, and in this community. But we are also excited about you having the opportunity to experience something truly exceptional. So go and throw yourself into your adventure. It will be over soon enough - don't wish away the time you've been given.
Love you lots,
Carolino! Te amo! Parece que pronto tenemos aqui un poco tiempo libre y voy a visitarte! Si o no tu familia les gusta, voy a estarme en Porto con otro amigos y vamos a verte para demasiadas tiempo que podemos! Te amo mucho y no deja la inspiracion!
hey caroline! i'm sorry to hear that you feel so lonely, but we all really do miss you. more than you can probably believe. hope all else goes well! alas, i have no funny quotes to brighten your day...but maybe next time! :]
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